Having traded my Rocket III for a Bobber Black I understand and empathize with your decision. My problem was my knees making it hard to hold the beast up or move it around my garage. Of all my bikes the lightest and easiest to move around my garage is the Speed Triple, but like you I become a hooligan on that thing and do wheelies and hit 80 mph in first gear because it will do that and I just can't fight the urge to go prompt stupid. Fortunately I just got a T-Bird, big, heavy, and low to the ground. It doesn't challenge my knees and It's a dump truck compared to my Speed Triple. Don't get me wrong, it's fun but in a slower, more relaxed way.
That said you'll find the T-120 a very competent bike. I finally got a seat that was comfy on mine and it's a great bike overall. Good at everything, just not great at any one thing.