triple 900


Local time
Today, 03:11
Jul 6, 2013
My Ride
Adventurer 900 2001
Hi ! Any information regarding 900 triple engine noise. I have just bought a Adventurer 900 2001 model and wondering if they all sound like a very loud sewing machine at tickover. I am new to motorcycling and have only ridden Japanese bikes to date so don't know if I am hearing a problem where there isn't one.
Bike goes very well on the couple of rides I have had.
Triples have different sound. Not having heard yours, I can't say if the noises are abnormal or not.
It's tough to say without hearing it in person.

Those engines do have a distinctly different noise from your Japanese bikes....some call it a diesel-type sound at idle.

So it is a matter of the degree of the sound.

If it is REALLY clattering, then the cam chain tensioner may need adjusted. Normally, if that's the problem, then you get excessive vibration through the handlebars and feel it with your hands while riding.

Should that be the case....don't wait to do the adjusting.....very bad things can happen.

I would suggest going to a bike gathering somewhere near you and looking around for either someone who knows 900 Triples or an owner of one. You could get them to listen to your bike, or you could listen to theirs to judge if that's just the normal triple sound or if yours is in need of attention.

Posted with TapaTalk
I took the liberty of moving this thread to the correct forum section.

My 2000 Legend 900 has a nice sound, but it's had the airbox drilled, aftermarket filter, and Triumph offroad mufflers installed. That makes it sound more like what you'd expect from a big triple. Nice!
I agree with Seeker. Triumph Triples do have a diesel or tractor like sound at idle. Interestingly my old riding friends in the Keys called my SPeed3 the "locomotive" and made fun of its idle cadence/sound. (They just wished there Suzukis and BMW's sounded half as good) :y2:
Thanks seeker that sounds like good advice I am waiting for the next meeting of the local motorbike club when I hope to go along and join, will probably be someone there who knows the 900's
Keith I have the 95 Thunderbird, and whilst not being the nosiest engine around, it's not the quietest one either. These triple engines are normally bullet proof, they were extensively over engineered. The Seeker has given you some good advice to be getting on with, I'm sure that when you hear another Triumph Triple your mind will be at rest, and you'll be out and about on your adventurer enjoying a great bike. Keep us all up to speed with the outcome.
Hey Keith, shoot me a round trip plane ticket and I will be happy to check her out for you:y15:

--What?? I thought it was most generous and helpful-----:y2:
Nice thought but her who has to be obeyed would never allow it
Hey, I took a shot:y15::y2: I totally understand Kieth I have one of those to. :y16:
hi kieth I had a 93 900 trident they do sound a bit like a tank on tick over but smooth right out on exceleration , one thing though just check your idle speed ! people have a thing about turning them down on tick over to around the 700 - 750 rpm which makes it sound terrible , it needs to be some were between 900 - 1000rpm wich sounds a quick idle but spot on for the triple motor .
hi kieth I had a 93 900 trident they do sound a bit like a tank on tick over but smooth right out on exceleration , one thing though just check your idle speed ! people have a thing about turning them down on tick over to around the 700 - 750 rpm which makes it sound terrible , it needs to be some were between 900 - 1000rpm wich sounds a quick idle but spot on for the triple motor .

Good advice on any water-cooled bike actually. The water pump is affected by RPM, so a really low idle speed will also equate to slow coolant circulation. Since you are many times sitting still while idling, there is also no air passing through the radiator (unless the fan turns on).

Posted with TapaTalk
Hi ! all have joined local M/C Club and been on my first ride out with them there where two or three Triumph riders amongst them. The general opinion is that my bike sounds great and the triples all have a sound all of their own. anyway it does seems to have quietened down a lot maybe she had stood around a while and needed running or I have just got used to the sound now. Anyway I love her to bits. Thanks to all who sent replies they where a great help. SAFE RIDES ! :y16:
Ride and enjoy! TUP
Good on ya Keith, now your mind is at rest, you can now concentrate on really enjoying your bike, and now that you've joined a bike club you can look forward to some great ride outs, just don't forget your camera.
Don't be shy to visit here again soon with a photo of your bike


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